To Whom It May Concern:
On Behalf of the California Ballaz Basketball Club, we would like to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to consider our request for a donation for sponsorship for our Girl’s AAU basketball program.
California Ballaz AAU Basketball Club is focused on teaching and training girls in the fundamentals of basketball with an emphasis on preparing them for the next level of play in high school and hopefully college. We have assembled some of the finest basketball players in Northern California and constantly search for tomorrow's superstars as well. We like to emphasize that we develop our own players. We seek and currently have over 60 talented young women, both academically and athletically. We are proud to field teams in the following Age Divisions for our current 2022 Season: GIRLS – 10U, 11U, 12U, 13U, HS-3, HS-2 and HS-1 Elite Team.
We provide our players with educational resources and support such as tutors and life coaches. These services are provided to make the girls more competitive and marketable for scholarship opportunities. By maintaining good academic status and by competing in high profile basketball tournaments throughout the U.S., our players gain valuable exposure to college coaches and recruiters, thus making scholarship opportunities available to our players.
As a non-profit youth organization we rely on support from dedicated companies and people such as you. We appreciate any type of contribution to our program either monetary, or goods and services. Funds are used to pay for equipment, practice facilities, tournament fees and traveling expenses. All funds raised go directly to our program as our coaches, managers, and mentors are NON-PAID, dedicated volunteers.
Upon request we will happily provide any additional information regarding our program. We have 501-C3 status from the IRS and have a Federal Taxpayer Id # available upon request. We look forward to hearing from you or a representative of your company.
[ ] $100 [ ] $250 [ ] $500 [ ] $1000 [ ] Sponsor a Player [ ] Other
Thank you
Leroy Hurt
CA Ballaz AAU Program
415-850-7001 cell.